7 Steps to Release Your First Video Game Music Pack

License your Music in Commercial Video Games & Earn Real Passive Income

This benchmark course walks you through step-by-step how to license your music in commercial video games and earn real passive income by releasing VGM packs on the four major marketplaces: Unity Asset Store, Unreal Marketplace, GameDev Market, & Itch.io. This full course includes:

  1. How to Market Research & Product Creation Strategy
  2. How to Finish Your Music Tracks
  3. How to organize Your Music Tracks into a Sellable Product
  4. How to Prepare Your Music Tracks for VGM Marketplaces
  5. How to Create Sampler Tracks & Walkthrough Videos
  6. How to Assemble Custom Artwork
  7. How to Submit to Each VGM Marketplace

BONUS: Also includes action steps after each section & marketing tips for increasing your sales once you release.

Course Curriculum

    1. Why Should You Release a Video Game Music Pack

    2. Overview of the 4 Major VGM Marketplaces

    1. VGM Pack Market Research Strategies

    2. How to Plan a Pack Strategy on Paper

    3. ACTION STEP 1: Market Research & Plan Your Pack

    1. How to Finish a Music Track

    2. How to Create a Seamless Music Loop

    3. ACTION STEP 2: Finish all Tracks for Your VGM Pack

    1. How to Master Your VGM Pack

    2. How to Convert all Music Tracks to Required File Format

    3. How to Bulk Rename Music Tracks for Consistency

    4. How to Organize Your Music into Folders

    5. ACTION STEP 3: Organize Your Music Tracks

    1. Programming VGM Pack inside Unity Game Engine

    2. The NEW Way to Upload to the Unity Asset Store (Updated August 2022)

    3. Programming VGM Pack inside Unreal Game Engine

    4. Archiving VGM Pack as a Zip file for other VGM Marketplaces

    5. ACTION STEP 4: Program Your VGM Pack inside Unity & Unreal Engines + Create ZIP

    1. How to Create Sampler Tracks

    2. How to Upload Sampler Tracks to Soundcloud

    3. How to Embed Sampler Tracks into VGM Marketplaces

    4. How to Record VGM Pack Walkthrough Video

    5. ACTION STEP 5: Create & Upload Sampler Tracks + Walkthrough Video

License your Music in Commercial Video Games & Earn Real Passive Income

  • $499.99
  • 34 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content